Athens, After 393 B.C Silver Tetradrachm(17.19g). Helmeted Head of
Athena Rt. Owl standing Rt. Head facing, Olive spray and crecent
moon behind. AOE to Rt. | |
The Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II 359 - 336 BC.
AE-17. Pella Mint. 6.21g. Head of Apollo rt., wearing a fillet. /
Youth prancing rt. on horseback, monograms behind and below. Nice VF
with a beautiful contrast patina. Philip II was the father of
Alexander the Great. SNG(p614) | |
Corinthia, Corinth. 345 - 307 BC. AR Stater.
8.39g. Pegasos flying lt., koppa beneath. / Crested head of Athena
lt., Thessalian helmet behind. Ravel 1040. VF with a choice old
cabinet tone. Some very minor scattered porosity. From an old
collection, c.1900. | |
Thracian Kings, Lysimachos (Alexander General) AE 20mm. Struck circa 306-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena
right / BASILEWS LUSIMACOU above & below
lion charging right; spearhead below. SNGCop 1149. Possibly a contempory imitation due to the less detailed helmet
crest. | |
Silver Thasos Greek. After 148 B.C Tetradrachm of Herakles
naked facing left standing leaning on club, holding lion skin,
monogram before Reverse: Portrait of
Dionysos facing right with flowered crown. 33mm, nEF. Sear # SG1759 | |
204.L MINUCIUS, ca. 133 BC.
Silver denarius. RSC-Minucius-15. Obverse : Helmeted head of
Roma right, with a small crossed X to the left. Reverse : Jupiter
driving a galloping quadriga right, with "ROMA" below, and "L
MINVCIV" in the exurgue (the last two letters are off the flan).
Jupiters head is about 1/2 off the flan. 19 mm. VF | |
Imperatorial Rome, Marc Antony Died 31 BC. AR
Denarius of c.42 BC. Greek Mint. 2.79g. M. ANTONI. IMP., his bare
head rt. / III VIR. R.P.C., facing head of SOl in a temple of two
columns. Syd. 1168. Fine. Nice type for Antony. | |